Scientists Claim Lockheed Martin Has A Crashed UFO
A group of scientists claim they were suppose to receive UFO debris from Lockheed Martin under a DIA contract until someone from the CIA intervened. We'll review their story & the supporting documents
If someone came to you and said they just saw a UFO moving in a way that no human made aircraft can, what would you think? Would you believe them or look for evidence to confirm what they claimed to see? Maybe you’d suspect they just saw some secret military tech or that they are just altogether off their rocker. I’d guess a large percentage would lean more towards the latter category. That response is likely influenced by a government propaganda campaign from the Cold War era.
In 1953 after a wave of credible UFO sightings the CIA convened the Robertson Panel made up of scientists to investigate the topic. After only three days, the conclusion was that UFOs pose no physical threat to national security but that they threaten “the orderly functioning of government” by clogging communication channels with reports and “inducing mass hysteria.” The Panel recommended that the National Security Council “debunk” sightings and “institute a policy of public education to reassure the public of the lack of evidence behind UFOs.” This campaign was to use “the mass media, advertising, business clubs, schools, and even the Disney corporation to get the message across.” This was one of the first and most explicit examples of the government manipulating public perception about UFOs.
Most people, my audience included, would approach the claim that our government has evidence of UFOs created by a non human intelligence with extreme skepticism. Even more so with claims of recovered craft. It's understandable. Not only is this a reality altering proposition, but the actions of the US government over the years also created mistrust on the topic. During the Cold War it's documented that the military used technology to show false readings of aircraft on adversary radars. In the 80s UFO researchers noticed what they thought were UFOs flying around Kirtland Air Force base. It turned out it was just top secret aircraft being tested but counter intel officers like Richard Doty fed them misinformation on UFOs to hide the testing of secret craft. Then there's the always cited Blue Beam document.
Unfortunately, these instances have caused people critical of the national security state to take the hardline position that the whole conversation is just a psychological operation and everyone who thinks they saw a UFO just saw classified military technology or is mentally unstable. My position is the government officials will lie about any given topic if it provides them with an advantage. It doesn't mean the entire topic is nonexistent or fabricated. The US lied and said Iraq had nukes and were going to use them. Does that mean nuclear weapons don't exist?
The thick air of confusion on this topic acts as a perfect cover to keep a massive secret. The core of the UFO story is that people are seeing extremely advanced technology using a potentially unlimited source of clean energy as described by leading physicists researching advanced forms of propulsion. It’s possible we can end our fossil fuel dependence, eliminate poverty and dramatically shift the balance of power globally with technology that already exists. If you were a gatekeeper preventing this knowledge from being made public, the stigma is a perfect tool. Regular civilian witnesses are reluctant to report what they’ve seen because they know how the public will view them. Pilots who are required to be psychologically healthy won’t risk making UFO sighting because that’s the quickest way to lose their wings and be flying a desk for the rest of their career. Scientists don’t want to lose the research funding they rely on by being publicly associated with the topic. Journalists don’t want to burn their credibility so they mostly refuse to report on it. With the public primed to treat the topic so incredulously, what would It take to make the subject, especially crash retrievals a serious matter worth investigating?
Too Much to Ignore
The topic of UFOs has hit a crescendo. Whistleblowers are claiming there's an illegal government program to recover non-human craft and research them. There are Inspector Generals complaints. Documented retaliation against whistleblowers. Investigations in the House and Senate. Legislation being voted on. Defense contractors have top corporate lobbyists recommending UFO disclosure legislation be rewritten so they aren't forced to reveal what they know.
With the implications of this topic being so immense continuing to disregard this as just a distraction is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, "I can't hear you!" Clearly there's something going on here. The only rational option left to do is judge every witness, every piece of evidence and every story on their own merit while you also hold the context that, like every topic, the government will distort events with misinformation that best suits them.
Decades of public statements and the conclusions of all the public government investigations from projects Grudge and Blue Book all the way to the Condon committee and even now the current AARO (All-Domain Anomalous Resolution Office) which was run by Dr Sean Kirkpatrick have all been the same. Regardless of any number of genuinely unexplainable sightings in their own reports, the official position from leadership in the military and CIA is there's nothing to see here when it comes to UFOs and we definitely haven't recovered any or taken them to a lab for analysis. Thousands of FOIA documents, hundreds of government employees, dozens of firsthand whistleblowers and 100,000s of civilian witnesses and experiencers contradict that point. It's an undisputed fact that the government is hiding information on this topic. We should all be demanding its release so as informed citizens we know what they know and make decisions accordingly. Until that happens, I'll analyze the evidence that's publicly available with an open mind. I hope everyone reading this does the same.
The focus of this article is a specific incident where a group of scientists under contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency, backed by then Senate Majority Harry Reid, were supposed to receive debris of a crashed UFO from Lockheed Martin until the CIA intervened. I can't provide a 100% guarantee, but after reviewing the evidence of this specific incident I don't think all these people are lying. Is the government capable of huge fabrication absolutely. But not this clean. There would be some text or email or memo hinting at the deception there is none. In fact all available evidence supports the story being told by this group of scientists.
If it were only one of these people talking about this incident it be much easier to dismiss this story. But anyone who believes this is all a psychological operation by the government to deceive the public will have a hard time explaining why these three people fabricated this elaborate tale for no discernable reason. It’s going to be an even bigger lift to deny the significance of official documents out of the DoD, DHS and the office of the most powerful senator in the US dated back to 2008 confirming the version of events being told by Eric Davis.
In June 2023 Air Force Intelligence officer David Grusch went public with his conclusion from a four year long investigation ordered by congress. Grusch had compiled evidence from over 40 first hand witnesses claiming to be in a 7 decade long program to recover and reverse engineer crashed or landed UFO’s, created by a non-human intelligence, being illegally hidden from congress and the public. Grusch submitted an official criminal complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector Generals Office (Grusch 2023). It included the location bases housing craft, photos, names of the leadership, financial documents, sworn witness testimony and other forms of evidence. Along with that was a complaint of reprisals for the documented retaliation and obstruction Grusch received during his investigation.
Unfortunately the evidence of the program is still classified top secret and publishing it without going through the declassification process would leave David Grusch open to prosecution under the Espionage Act like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden who published their evidence online. If this all true this would be the biggest story of our lifetime and that merits investigation not only by the government, but the media. Until the evidence from the IG complaint is made public the best we can do is look into what is publicly available. Since Grusch went public 3 of the 40 witnesses who spoke to the IG have been named.
Grusch Inspector General Witness
In a private Facebook group Astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis posted:
“I interacted with Dave Grusch from 2020-2022 as part of my job. I was one of his classified ICIG witnesses because he got the bread crumbs from me and a close colleague on where to find the UFO crash retrieval program… So Grusch heard no rumors. He used his access to the special security system to locate and talk to the industry crash retrieval personnel face-to-face”
He went on to provide more details to explain how he was introduced to Grusch in an interview posted a few weeks ago.
“Jay Stratton introduced me to Dave… They flew me out to where they were located out in Colorado Springs, I gave them a briefing. Not just them, this included the Aerospace personnel that was supporting the NRO offices. The NRO was a tenant organization at the Aerospace campus. We had a building with SCIFs built in entire floors, and office suites built inside of SCIFs that enclose the office suites.” (Jesse Michaels 2024)
Jay Stratton was a Defense Intelligence Officer and the Senior Executive of the multi-agency UFO Task Force tasked by Congress to find out what the executive Branch knows about UFO’s. David Grusch was the NGA (National Geospatial Agency) representative to the UAPTF at the time while Davis was an employee at the Aerospace Corporation. Grusch corroborated this meeting in an interview with Joe Rogan a year earlier:
“A very senior individual in the intelligence community came to me because I guess I was asking a bunch of questions and said ‘need to introduce you to somebody.’ He began to list this person academic credentials beyond reproach, PhD level education, security clearance, insane resume… I ended up meeting that person in a Top Secret facility. He said ‘There’s this program I was on it, we were reverse engineering crashed material we recovered from over the decades.’” (JRE 2023)
Who’s Dr. Eric Davis?
Dr Eric Davis is an astrophysicist whose research focuses on advanced forms of propulsion. I can’t judge how scientifically sound his published work is because I genuinely don’t understand it. But based on the projects Davis has worked on with influential scientists, the way his peers view his work and the numerous government contracts he’s been involved with, Eric Davis is an accomplished physicist. One of his most referenced body of work was a paper on Faster Than Light Travel that he published with 20 year NASA veteran Marc Millis. Davis has also worked with Dr. Garry Nolan, biologist and Chair of the Department Of Pathology at Stanford University. Dr. Davis won the paper of the year award from the AIAA, the world’s largest aerospace technical society. Eric Davis was the Author of a report on teleportation for the Air Force where two scientists from DARPA are on the Primary Distribution list (DTIC). This is just one of numerous government contracts Dr. Davis is on for offices in the DoD, NASA, DoE.
The program that has put Eric Davis in the spotlight in recent years was the AAWSAP contract that was set up in the DIA. AAWSAP heavily backed by the Senate Majority Leader at the time Harry Reid, was tasked with bringing together scientists from different fields of expertise to study UFO technology. Part of the work done by scientists was publish 38 research papers known as DIRDs (Defense Intelligence Reference Documents) which have been made publicly available through FOIA (DIA 2009). They include a wide range of topics gravity control, faster than light travel, advanced propulsion and energy sources as well as a very detailed medical analyses on a compilation of close encounters with UFO’s where there were inexplicable biological affects such as radiation burns. According to Dr. Davis, his colleagues and supporting documents, AAWSAP was meant to do more than just provide technical analysis on UFO reports and data that was given to them.
What Does Dr. Davis know about UFO Debris?
Dr. Eric Davis hasn’t done many interviews since it was revealed in 2020 that he had briefed senior staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Intelligence Committee on the existence of UFO crash retrieval programs. At the end of 2024 in a rare interview Davis says that BAAS, the defense contractor of the AAWSAP program, was suppose to receive UFO crash debris from Lockheed Martin. The process that was overseen by Executive VP Dr. James Ryder. Ryder, who was in charge of Lockheed space tech as well as their Top Secret Skunkworks division which focuses on highly advanced technology, similar to how DARPA is for the DoD. Dr. Ryder had worked with Dr. Davis along with his mentor and AAWWSAP superior, Dr. Hal Puthoff for years. In one of his last lectures before his death Ryder acknowledged Puthoffs research and comments on the fact the he also worked with his colleague Russel Targue on projects at Lockheed. Davis was asked by an interviewer if he had any interactions with Glenn Gaffney, who was the Director of the CIA’s Science & Technology Directorate at the time of the AAWSAP program. He said :
“No but [Ryder] had to have a conversation with Glenn. He was very antagonistic about that company releasing to BAAS and the DIA their collection of crash retrieval materials since before [the program] got shut down in ’89.” (Jesse Michaels 2024)
According to Davis, the government client that originally gave the UFO material to Lockheed to reverse engineer was the CIA DS&T, who manages the UFO portfolio in the CIA. From my own research I’ve found a significant amount of internal documents and witness testimony going back from the 50s to 2022 that confirm the DS&T was a lot more involved in UFO research than they’ve let on publicly. For example a memo sent at the leadership level of the CIA that happened to be released by FOIA in 1976 states” DCD [Domestic Collection Division] has been receiving U.F.O. related material from many of our S & T sources who are presently conducting related research.” I’ll publish what I’ve learned on the DS&T in a later article in this series. Since it was the CIA who originally gave Lockheed the debris it was the CIA that technically still owned it. When Gaffney was notified about the material transfer to AAWSAP and the DIA he stepped in a blocked the transfer.
What Evidence is there to support Dr. Davis claims?
Additional Witnesses
At the time of the AAWSAP contract highly respected scientists from a wide range of fields were consulted to provide their analysis. One of which was Garry Nolan who also happens to be friends Eric Davis. As a biologist Nolan has been studying differences in the brain between people who have had close encounters with UFO’s or their pilots. If you were going to analyze UFO debris it’s logical to have someone who has studies the biological effects on your team. Professor Nolan is one of Davis’s associates sharing the same story about being in the process of receiving UFO debris but someone from came in and stopped the transfer. He’s said he knows the street address where it was being kept. The earliest I can find Garry Nolan speaking on this incident was at the 2023 SALT Tech Investment Conference(SALT 2023) . He’s also told the same story in a recent interview on Engaging the Phenomenon.
Lue Elizando is a counter intelligence officer who was involved with AATIP/AAWSAP programs. He was part of the original 2017 NYT article that revealed the existence of of this program in the DoD analysing UFO reports. Last November he testified to the House Oversight Committee that he knows that the government is in possession of craft created by a non-human intelligence. In a podcast co-hosted by Anna Brady Estevez, the person in charge of the National Science Foundations Space Technology portfolio, Elizando told the same story as Davis and Nolan. “There was an effort by Lockheed Martin to offload some of the exotic materials they had in their possession to a group I was affiliated with” (Spotify 2025).
The Documents
Senator Reid Letter
The Senate Majority Leader at the time of AAWSAP was Harry Reid from the state of Nevada. He was instrumental in the creation of this program. Not only did he secure the initial $22 million used to fund it, the contract went to his long time friend and political donor Robert Bigelow. Either from what he learned as an influential figure in Nevada, home of the infamous top secret Area 51 site, or from having access to a network of contacts operating in the most classified programs in the country, Reid was convinced the Executive Branch and defense contractors weren’t telling him everything they know about UFOs. “I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials. I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.” (New Yorker)
One such attempt to get access is documented in a letter Harry Reid sent to the Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn. The 2009 letter is requesting the AAWSAP/AATIP be moved from Top Secret to a higher SAP (Special Access Program) status (Reid 2009). SAP is one of the highest-level security applied to classified programs. For context on how serious SAPs are, the PRISM program that whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed as a warrantless mass surveillance system used to spy on all US citizens and everyone around the world was a SAP being run in the NSA.
In the letter Reid explains that although not every aspect of the AAWSAP/AATIP need SAP security, some do. One area that did require SAP status was “The methodology used to identify, acquire, study, and engineer the advanced technologies associated with AATIP.” The key word in that sentence is “acquire.” Clearly we aren’t just talking about the AAWSAP team analyzing data from UFO sightings. They intended to acquire this technology from someone to do reverse engineering. If you think that’s a stretch, this lines up with the deliverables listed in the original AAWSAP contract.
AAWSAP Contract/Solicitation Bid
I mentioned earlier how the AAWSAP contract went to billionaire and Aerospace contractor Robert Bigelow. For legal reasons the DIA had to post a Bid Solicitation where they list the deliverables and guidelines for any contractor who wants to put a bid in on the contract. The list states “Any accountable property acquired by the contractor with government funds during the execution of this contract shall become government owned property.” “Property acquired by the contractor” is similar to the language Sen Reid used about AAWSAP contractors “acquiring” advanced technologies. Also if the DIA was funding this project and the AAWSAP team were just contracted scientists it makes sense that any UFO debris they acquired with government money ultimately be government property.
The next line is incredibly important “The contractor shall establish and maintain an inventory of all such property. This property must be inventoried and returned to the government not more than 60 days after the end of the contract.” This contract is about doing UFO research. What kind of advanced technology would these scientists acquire, inventory, study, engineer and return to the government if it wasn’t UFOs? Remember the part about establishing an inventory because it will come up again in a previously top secret documented connected to the AAWSAP team.
In 2011 after attempts by AAWSAP to get access to UFO debris were blocked, the contract with the DIA and BAAS was going to expire without renewal. The DIA Program Manager Dr James Lacatski in charge of AAWSAP, other scientists and a group of Senators led by Sen Reid wanted to continue the AAWSAP work in the DHS. Dr. Lacatski and others met Dr Tara O’Toole, the Under Secretary in charge of the DHS Science & Technology directorate and her team. After the briefing, Dr. O'Toole agreed to have her office put together a proposal to create the highest level SAP possible. The previously Top Secret 56 page document of the formal KONA BLUE proposal was declassified last year, 13 years after they were originally drafted (DHS 2011).
The KONA BLUE proposal was released by the AARO office as part of their alleged historic review. Along with providing scientific analysis of UFO incidents observed by the military, AARO was supposed to search for crash retrievals and reverse engineering programs hidden in the DoD. In the poorly researched and historically inaccurate report AARO on office within the DoD claimed they found no verifiable evidence that any UFO craft have been recovered. AARO provided absolutely no explanation for how they reached their conclusion on so called Legacy UFO Programs other than they spoke to defense contractors and DoD personnel, that the AARO office has never named, who deny the allegations. No attempts at internal document reviews, no subpoena, no financial audit, no recording of any interview or source material has been made public. We’re all supposed to take the DoD at their word that they haven’t engaged in an 80 year coverup. This kind of intentional incompetence isn’t new. Credible first hand witnesses like Pentagon Papers lawyer Danny Sheehan who provided sworn legal testimony to AARO say the office never investigated any of their claims. Sheehan gave testimony on seeing evidence of a military UFO crash retrieval in government archives in his official capacity as a Special Council for a Congressional inquiry back in 1977. Almost none of the witnesses claims were acknowledge or addressed in the report.
All AARO did was mention the declassified KONA BLUE proposal, which arguably was going to come out regardless, in a way that fit the DoD narrative that there’s nothing to see here. Many witnesses and whistleblowers like David Grusch claim that the actual UFO program is in an unacknowledged SAP, the kind of black budget program that congress isn’t even briefed on. In fact that’s why Sen Reid originally wrote that letter requesting AAWSAP be made a SAP. At the time he had learned the only way to have security structure needed to acquire a crashed UFO you have to be in a SAP. The proposal was mentioned in the report as if KONA BLUE was the Legacy UFO Program that Grusch and others have mentioned. The AARO report exclusively focuses on the fact that after 6 months of meetings on this proposal someone in DHS leadership blocked the request so it never went from Prospective SAP (PSAP) status to fully operation SAP status. In their telling of events the KONA BLUE SAP was never activated so that must mean everyone talking about an active UFO SAP is mistaken.
There was already reportedly interference from so-called gatekeepers like Gaffney when AAWSAP tried to get access to UFO debris that was being offered to them. And Harry Reid on the record saying he was blocked for decades. To me the content and context of the KONA BLUE proposal is arguably more important than whether it got approved. “Recovered [UFO] technology exists in and is only accessible within a SAP construct” That was written in the proposal by someone in DHS S&T explaining why KONA BLUE needed to be a SAP. David Grusch, Davis, and even the UFO Disclosure law from 2023 out of Chuck Schumer’s office mentions this UFO “Legacy Program” made up of current and former military, intel community, defense contractors and academia. So does the KONA BLUE proposal submitted in 2011. One of the objectives listed was to conduct formal interviews with “already identified sources – retired military, intelligence, contractor personnel to assist in locating additional recovered advanced technology.”
Just like AAWSAP, KONA BLUE was backed by Sen Reid, and Sen Inouye, Chair of the Budget Committee with the addition of Sen Lieberman the Chair of Homeland Security Committee. KONA BLUE was created as an attempt to bring this research under congressional oversight. Not only are these programs kept from congress, the security is so strict that few people would know the broader details of the program that doesn’t directly relate to whatever they’re working on. An example of how that might play out, Davis specifically mentions that Gaffney was surprised that Lockheed even still had that specific UFO debris, likely because no one even knew to keep track of it. KONA BLUE was suppose to inventory all UFO tech in government and private labs, analyze them and compile databases of UFO incidents associated sensor data recorded from on instruments in different agencies and departments.
“Gain access to and inventory all existing caches of [UFO] materials and documentations in CONUS.” Sounds like the clause from the DIA AAWSAP bid about acquiring property creating an inventory for all similar property and returning it to the government at the end of the contract. The main point of me bringing up the KONA BLUE document is there was a mystery around a page when it first released because it was missing critical context. But when you consider the original AAWSAP bid, and Dr. Davis story about the Lockheed UFO materials this chart is complete and further supports Davis version of events.
The AAWSAP bid describes a process where government money is used to “acquire property”, then the company that takes the contract (BAAS) receives it and does analysis, then returns the property to the government. Hal Puthoffs company EarthTech, where Eric Davis, worked was the sub contractor in charge of scientific operations. Fill in the blanks with details from claim by Sen Reid and others. Lockheed Martin is company Z receiving the money from the government. From that point the “property” goes to BAAS (Company X) and EarthTech International (Company Y) to be inventoried and reverse engineered.
What Does Lockheed Martin Say?
In July 2023 immediately after Grusch testified to the House Oversight Committee on what he’d learned about illegal crash retrieval programs being run by government agencies and defense contractors Joe Khalil from NewsNation reached out to Lockheed for comment. For additional context, a senior government officer just accused federal contractors of engaging in fraud and stealing government money to fund these programs. This wasn’t exactly a laughing or lighthearted matter. Their response was “Questions about [UFOs] are best addressed by the US government.” If you’re a company that relies on government contracts, wouldn’t you just deny the allegations if there was no substance to them to protect yourself from losing future contracts? My guess is that answer was an attempt to shift responsibility to the government while avoiding any strong denials that could be undermined by any potential future revelations.
Eventually You Have to Believe Your Lying Eyes
At some point out all the conventional explanations don’t fit the evidence. And the most likely scenario you're left with is something truly extraordinary. If this was a psyop whoever in government running this op would get right to the point. Russiagate Intelligence community, Democrats and mainstream media tried to convince everyone trump was an illegitimate President because he was a Russian asset installed by Putin. Bush administration was minced no words to invade Iraq. They lied about WMDs and said we'd be attacked if we didn't invade first. When Air Force OSI gave Bennewitz disinformation on UFOs it was to protect the cover of a specific top secret plane that he was mistaking for a UFO during test flights.
Some say they're lying to increase the pentagon budget for more war. Well a lot of the most public figures pushing this are critical of the war machine. Rep Tim Burchett said the “war pimps” at the pentagon are keeping this secret because there's technology that can make their wars for natural resources obsolete. Grusch has also criticized the wars for natural resources. Danny Sheehan who’s organization of lawyers is currently representing whistleblowers from inside these programs and has helped draft congressional legislation on the topic of disclosure. Sheehan has had a long career of being a thorn in the side of the national security state. If he went form exposing CIA drug running and coup mongering in the Iran-Contra case, protecting the 1st amendment right of the NYT to publish the Pentagon Papers at the Supreme Court and providing legal representation of indigenous people who’s land was being stolen to built the DAPL to now being a willing or unwilling tool of the war machine please show me the evidence.
It's all a distraction from important issues. This is an inordinate amount of work to put in to what ends? Distract people from Gaza or Ukraine? Between working 2 jobs, being unable to afford childcare, Netflix, sports and social media I think the public is well distracted. So much so that they really aren't even paying attention to updates in the UFO story. I came into this as a content creator in new media writing articles and making videos on other news topics. I think most of the public just isn't informed about what their government is doing in general and that has nothing to do with UFOs.
Maybe they aren't lying. They just happen to be misidentifying our own man-made technology. Well if the US military has anything in its inventory of man-made craft capable of what pilots, scientists and sensors are reporting where’s your evidence this? Clearly you must be privy of all the specs and data of this revolutionary world changing technology that all these professionals aren't aware of. Please share so we can all stop wasting our time. And while you're at it don't forget to account for the fact that there are credible sightings of objects behaving the exact same way in the 40s. Imagine what technology was like nearly 100 years ago. How could anyone in a time without the internet, where the microwave was the hot new invention on the market, invent and produce numerous aircraft for 80 years more advanced than any publicly known technology in 2025 without a trace?
There's no simple way to dismiss this topic because the mountain of evidence showing that the government is hiding something. To argue that this whole topic is a psyop you'd have to believe all the people I mentioned in the story and many more who've publicly spoken about UFOs are just fabricating this whole conversation and planting documents in government archives for no discernable reason. Not just currently, but for the last 80 years. The most common explanations which I just went over require you to wildly speculate and ignore the actual available evidence in such a way that I can just as soon turn around and say you're spreading baseless unfounded conspiracy theories yourself. Research of UFO incidents and the topic in general is straight forward. Establish the facts of the situation, then test all the normal, most likely explanations. I took that same approach with this story.
What are the facts: Eric Davis has a history going back to the 90s of publishing peer reviewed papers on topics related to UFO research. He was a subcontractor on the AAWSAP contract from the DIA which was investigating UFOs. This group tried to get access to UFO debris. The whole effort was backed by the Senate Majority Leader with the Chairs of Senate Budget and Homeland Security Committees. The CIA DS&T has been involved in UFO research since their inception in the 50’s to the present day despite the agencies public statements (more on that later in this series of articles).
I don’t think Eric Davis et al are lying about this Lockheed incident involving the CIA. Not because of their titles, their degrees, the fact that they have a security clearance. It’s because they’ve been involved in this research for decades, there’s no clear motive to lie and all the documents that have come out seem to support their version of events. It’s also important to keep in mind this incident is just one piece of the puzzle. Grusch came forward saying he has 40 first hand witnesses from inside this program who testify to working on technology of non-human origin. If this story from one of his witnesses checks out and can be verified with what’s already publicly available, I doubt he’s lying sworn testimony to the IG and Congress about the rest.
Where you land after reviewing the evidence is ultimately up to you. But unfortunately, the stigma around this topic has manufactured a void of intellectual curiosity in the professions that should be leading in this line of research. Academia should be evaluating evidence instead of jumping to conclusions about what's possible and what isn't. Investigative journalists who normally concern themselves with uncovering government secrets and how they affect the public are nowhere to be found. We should all check our biases and follow the facts on this subject. Normally that word of advice is given to believers who jump to conclusions that fit their beliefs. But now more than ever this also applies to the skeptics who refuse to engage with the mountain of evidence that challenges their world view.
Eric Davis. Jesse Michaels. YouTube
Grusch, David. Joe Rogan Interview. Youtube,
Disclosure has begun.
J.L. Powell
Bravo! Thanks for covering this. It’s the most interesting news story that nobody seems to pay attention to.